Senior Project: Crystallia

Crystallia is one of many world ideas I have been building and revisiting on and off again for several years. Envisioned as an underground world deep inside of an artificial hollow planet, everything in Crystallia, from the buildings and people to the flora and fauna, is made up of some combination of gemstone, glass, and metal. Vast empires inhabit gargantuan caverns and labyrinthine tunnels, which glitter and glow with the mystical energy of the planet’s crystalline bounty. By using magical runes to unite metal and crystal, the Crystallian peoples have been able to harness this power to construct and maintain mighty empires of both great prosperity and technological prowess. Although they have known relative peace for many centuries, the Crystallians now face mounting threats from both the monstrous Tektites, nigh-indestructible arthropodian invaders of metal and claw which corrupt everything in their path, as well as the inner failings of the planet itself.